Saturday, April 12, 2008

Random: An interesting rule.

Yesterday Brenda, Bethany and I were walking around Ross Park Mall while Bridget attended a Birthday Party at the Build-a-Bear. We had some DQ at the food quart which made Bethany a bit cold. She put her hooded sweatshirt on and placed the hood on her head. Nothing out of the ordinary. It then appeared to me that either a security guard was in pursuit of someone in the direction that we were heading or in pursuit of us. It was us........apparently they have a rule,no one is allowed to wear the hoods inside the mall. I kind of muttered under my breath that "yes, we do have a seven year old gang member." I must not have not been muttering as much as I thought, then the guard turned and stated that she does not make the rules she just enforces them. After inserting foot in mouth, I immediately apologized and felt quite stupid for questioning authority (not a very good role model moment). I then watched the guard approach another even younger child's parents and enforce the same rule. This parent let out a yell "SHE IS ONLY FOUR YEARS OLD!" I at least did not raise my voice.
Looking back I should have asked the reason for the rule, and not questioned this authority figure. I am interested  if this hood apparel is a gang thing or is it an identity thing? I guess if my child was kidnapped and we were watching security cameras on a monitor I would not want any child to have their hoods up. I just thought this was very interesting.

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