Saturday, September 10, 2011

Random: Hair Cut vs. Groomed

Earlier this week I went to get my hair cut, it was time as you can tell below.

It felt like I lost 5 pounds. I told the stylist/salon occupant what I wanted done, my hair has been the same style since I can remember. Two things may have happened, she may have not been listening or she may have interpreted it differently than all of the other stylists I have had there.
The next day I had time to groom Georgie. It was not as over due as mine, but it needed done.  As I have mentioned before, I choose to groom him myself to save approximately $120 dollars a year. As I was using the clippers on little Georgie, something got me thinking. Every time I groom him, one thing goes through my mind, if I mess it up, it will grow back, guaranteed.
Oh Crap!!! That must be what my stylist was thinking as she cut my hair. Ok, it’s not that bad, just a little shorter than I am used to. For now a hat will do and it is a guarantee, IT WILL GROW BACK! At this rate, I may be able to save the household another $120 a year and just groom myself. :-) Seriously, I can do what she did to my hair all by myself and look just like my dog…
I’m getting better with grooming Georgie, it helps that he sits so patiently as I do it. It now only takes about two hours, it originally was taking my about three. Here is a shot of me with my hat and Georgie with his better haircut…

Thanks for visiting my blog and have great weekend.
Never Forget 9/11…

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