Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Blogging really has not been at the top of my priority list lately. Today I will go with a format I have seen over at Toby’s Blog. His is a great daily read!

We just finished a Bible Study at our G.R.O.W program at Church about relationships. It was very enlightening for me and my approach towards any relationship, including the one I have with my Savior, Jesus Christ. Relationships have always been a struggle for me. I tend to be an introvert when in large crowds and I am continually amazed to watch my wife be an extrovert. She definitely thrives on being social in these types of situations. For me to welcome a new couple at Church during our fellowship time is way outside my comfort zone. I do struggle through it because I know it is comforting to be acknowledged when you are the new couple. Through this Study we learned that we as part of this broken world, tend to be takers and not givers in relationships and other things. i don’t know how many time I have actually walked away from a guest Preacher’s sermon saying “I did not get anything from that”. We should be approaching relationships and other things with the thought of what we can contribute to it and not get out of it. With this approach, God will work through us to do His will.

This study also emphasized praying for others directly, not praying for our lives is easier or more gratifying, but praying for friends, relatives and even strangers in an unselfish manner to open their hearts to God. Again, lifting others up so that His will may be done.

Another thing it concentrated on was taking time to be alone with God. This is a huge challenge for me, I pray every morning a short prayer before I read But this amounts to maybe 10-15 minutes, and some days if I sleep in it gets skipped. I need to carve out some serious time everyday to really spend time alone with God. I find there seems to be a lot of noise in my life. I am not sure why but I always need a radio or tv on in the background. Today I am going to take a step towards God, and sit for 30 minutes, quietly pray and read some scripture, with no background noise. I want to make this my daily devotional time, right after the kids get on the bus.

So those are not all the points this study highlighted, but are the things I personally need to work on. Jason, a leader in our Church really has done a great job with leading this study. If your reading this Jason, Thank You for your dedication!

To top this great study off, Pastor Gary touched base on one of these challenges this past Sunday in his sermon. “Just Walk Across The Room – The Single Greatest Gift” was the title. How simply walking across the room and introducing yourself could change someone else’s life forever.

So with that said, I am going to be working on these things that are a challenge for myself. Is there one of these that are a challenge for you? If so, drop me a comment and I will pray that god will give what ever it is you need in your life to assist with this challenge. Keep me in your prayers as I step towards God with these challenges.

Thanks for visiting and have a Blessed Day!

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