Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Product Review: HuluPlus

We decided to give HuluPlus a try after using Netflix for three months. Our focused use was streaming it through our Google Chromecast. The cost of this service is $7.99 a month and it's free trial is only for a week, which ends up being a short week. I logged in on the morning of our seventh day to cancel the service and they had already charged our credit card for our first month. I know I could of called and made a stink, but then possibly been charged a month and get nothing out of it, so we decided to keep it for an additional month, but not to wait to the last minute to cancel it, and it will be getting cancelled! The quality of the video is often terrible, the content really only pertains to television shows, limited movies and original content, which did not impress any of us.

All of the TV shows we watch regularly and occasionally miss, can be found on OnDemand via the Armstrong Cable Company. Thus making this particular service not cost effective for our family.

When comparing this to Netflix, there really is none. Netflix streams with far superior quality and content. So if you are interested, make sure that when you're trying it, do so in the first five days and if cancelling it, do so on the sixth...

I would not suggest this service to friends or family.

**I have no material connection with this manufacturer or supplier.**

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