Saturday, November 10, 2012

Service Review: iRevamp Electronics Repair (Update)

Back on October 20th I posted a service review about iRevamp Electronics. You can read it here. I came away from the experience with complete satisfaction. I am posting today to add a little update to the review. In my post I jokingly displayed a picture of Bridget's broken screen on her iPod touch, and questioned whether or not iRevamp would accepth six of their coupons for a combined discount. When I posted a link to my blog post onto my Facebook wall, I included a link to their facebook page, as one often does with social media. It was only a day after my post that I recieved an email extending a deal that we could not pass that is great Customer Service, with a capital C & S.

One week later, one repaired iPod was returned to our door,

with six more discount cards/business cards.

Let me restate, that I do recommend this company's service.

Drop me a line if you could use one of these cards.
Again, I thank the team over at iRevamp Electronics. You guys Rock!!

Here is their website:

Here is their facebook page:

Here they are on twitter:

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